Layout Analisis

Presentation for
people coming further than others
from your small technical expert office in DEA Vendetta / Gnädige

date: 27.02.2012

This is chapter Step 3 Layout

Completing the prefabricated examples

wirbler & mirbler
people coming further than others

Chapter title Step 3 Layout

Completing the prefabricated examples

Keyword review based on the term and other examples

When you have found your theme and the three key words for your layout, complete still as the three keywords have emerged. For each keyword you think about a generic term about which you came up with your catchphrase, and if necessary, add it to the catchword

If you have defined your catchphrase and the associated generic term, you will be asked to give you more examples of the main concept of your catchphrase

Chapter title Step 3 Layout

Completing the prefabricated examples

To wrap your catchphrase, you still have to find a top haul

  • The main idea of your catchphrase is the question, how did you come up with the catchphrase?
  • Answer this question to the generic term always, as you skillfully expand your horizon and prevent mistakes!

Further examples of the found generic term of the keyword

  • Now consider more examples of the found keyword of your keyword
  • These examples to the generic term of your catchword should make it clear that you can consider several other catchwords in consideration

Chapter title Step 3 Layout

Completing the prefabricated examples

Example page with picture and text

1. you have a layout theme with three keywords found
2. You consider every single catchword
3. you define a generic term for every catchword
4. If the generic term is specified, you will find more examples
5. The found new examples could also be your catchword

Chapter title Video Layout

Look at the introductory video layout for a better understanding

For even better understanding, this small video has been handled for you by the small reviewer's office Wirbler and Mirbler, which concerns the whole layout analysis

Take a look at it in the better manageable large format. Of course it's just a small example of many unlimited possibilities of a topic with keywords from our layout analysis!